We currently have around 30 members – and would be very happy to recruit a few more!
If you have ever wanted to sing, but have not had the time or confidence, then come along to us one evening and see how you get on. New members are always welcome to try the choir for a few weeks before deciding whether to join. There are no auditions or tests – all you need is to want to do it and to be able to commit to regular rehearsals. We meet most Tuesday evenings 7 – 9pm.
If you would like to know more please contact: cantairichonamara@gmail.com
Current members
- Anne Marie Joyce
- Aodan McGlynn
- Brian Thornburgh
- Brendan O’Connor
- Carol Walter
- Dee O’Connor
- Deirdre Mc Dermott
- Donal O’Scanaill
- Eileen Lyons
- Emer Joyce
- Gabriele Schweizer
- Guislaine Vandezande
- Halyna
- Janet Mercer
- Jens Werner
- Konstantyn
- Laurence Lescroart
- Maree McGlynn
- Maria Zueger
- Marlena Olchowa
- Maryna Zhytnyk
- Matt Deegan
- Michael Macnamara
- Nataliya
- Orla Fawell
- Sheree McLaughlin
- Siobhan Hogan
- Sophia Hume
- Sydne Taggart
- Timea Husztine
Committee members
Máire Ní Dhuibhir
Musical Director
Aodán McGlynn
Asst. Musical Director
Brian Thornburgh
Janet Mercer
Maria Zuegler
Carol Walter